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Although most people are happy with their primary rhinoplasty, sometimes, for a variety of reasons, they seek revision surgery. This sometimes occurs even with people who are satisfied with the aesthetic outcomes of the first surgery.

Aesthetic concerns, functional issues or, in many instances, both, drive the need for a revision rhinoplasty. The more common issues from primary rhinoplasty have to do with having too much removed from the nose structure or having too little taken off. Symmetry is another common issue. Unusually, excessive scarring may also lead to problems requiring a revision procedure.

What a revision rhinoplasty can do for you

As with primary rhinoplasty, revision nose surgery is a procedure that helps improve the shape, contours and function of the nose. Revision surgery is essentially a follow up to a previous operation, intended to make or correct aesthetic or functional issues that may have cropped up since the primary rhinoplasty.

Sometimes the original procedure may not have produced the precise results expected, either by the surgeon or by the patient. In such cases revision rhinoplasty involves minor corrections and tweaking to fine tune the results of the previous operation.

In other instances, functional issues that did not previously exist arise after the surgery. This is possible because rhinoplasty is considered to be one of the most difficult cosmetic surgical procedures to master. Any change in form can cause a related change in function.

Common aesthetic corrections during revision rhinoplasty

Some of the common issues that are corrected during revision rhinoplasty include:

  • Asymmetry of the nose tip or a pinched appearance
  • Pointy, uneven or unnatural appearance of the nose tip, commonly due to cartilage protrusion
  •  Nose bridge crooked, irregular or off–centre
  • ‘Saddle nose’ deformity, when the bridge looks scooped out
  • ‘Polly-beak’ deformity, when the upper bony bridge is over-resected and the lower cartilaginous part of the bridge is not proportionally low enough
  • An ‘inverted V’ look to the sides of the nose, which happens when too much of the middle third cartilage has been removed. This can make nasal obstruction worse.

What revision rhinoplasty can’t do

As with any surgery, your expectations from revision nose surgery should be realistic. Do not expect a complete transformation after surgery. Revision nose surgery essentially tweaks existing aesthetics or corrects impaired function. It will enhance your appearance somewhat and, in many cases, help you feel better about yourself and your appearance. But although you may see vast improvements, the changes are often completely unnoticed and unremarked by others. If you think about it, this is a good result.

Are you a candidate for revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is performed on adult men and women who have already undergone at least one previous nose surgery procedure. Candidates should proceed with surgery with realistic goals and expectations for improving the function or appearance of the nose.

It is essential that you have healthy facial tissue and muscles and no life-threatening conditions at the time of surgery.

For your own safety, inform our Doctorr at the initial consultation if you have any medical conditions, including disorders of the thyroid, circulatory disorders such as heart disease or high blood pressure, and diabetes.

If a surgeon other than our Surgeons performed your previous rhinoplasty, it would be ideal to provide details and records of the previous operation, including medical records, image tests and before and after photos. The more comprehensive the information you can bring to the initial consultation the better. Because your nose is a delicate organ, what exactly has been done to it previously is essential knowledge.

At the initial consultation, our Doctor will conduct a physical exam of your nose.

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